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Technical advice

We already include your construction in the offer process. A manufacturability assessment is initiated, the use of materials is calculated and an initial concept is drawn up.

In close cooperation with the customer, simplifications on the component can be worked out in order to reduce costs.


Technical component analysis

In order to guarantee a perfect production process and a functional product, we consider various component analyzes before tool manufacture:


  • Finite Element Method (FEM)

  • Mold flow analysis

  • Temperature development in the component

  • Optimization of the sprue system as well as the gate position and area

  • Formation and location of weld lines and air pockets


Based on your component drawings, we build the tool design for you. We will send this to you for approval after completion and then start production. The construction is carried out according to all common standards and will be sent to you in the file format you require (IGES, Step, Cat, etc.)


If necessary, we can also design or optimize a complete component based on your specifications,

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